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1 Курсы

Negotiations, Influence and Conflict Management
Negotiations, Influence and Conflict Management
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Преподаватель: Марина АнтоноваПреподаватель: Алина ЗашколаПреподаватель: Александра МихайловаПреподаватель: Мария МихееваПреподаватель: Вадим МочкинПреподаватель: Юлия Николаевна РоманенкоПреподаватель: Мария СтепановаПреподаватель: Андрей Темников

Negotiations, Influence and Conflict Management

We all negotiate every day. We communicate online and in person, with colleagues or in a store. The well-known negotiation techniques of hard and soft types, when there’s a winner and a looser are now long forgotten.

In a fast-paced world we all need extra negotiation skills that open new perspectives on reaching our goals and help us find creative solutions to daily challenges, taking into consideration interests of both sides. This course covers “Harvard” method, and “Kremlin School” approach. Among other things, the students will learn what the “bargaining arena” and the best alternative are. We will talk about getting out of standard negotiation traps and come to mutually beneficial agreements.